Allecto's Top 20 Kevin Pics

with guest commentary by TNL, and a cameo by Allensama
N.B.: with the exception of the honorable mentions, the order is fluid; as you will see when you read the commentary, I changed my mind a little as we went along.

Honorable Mention #3

Allecto: I think his hair is just beautiful here.
Allecto:And I love the hint of eyelashes beyond his nose.
TNL: I really like his exaggerated features. He shouldn't be so good-looking, but he is.
TNL: Also, he has a quality of repose which is interesting.
Allecto: He has a nice mix of strong features and delicate structure.
TNL: He's not crying out for attention -- he is engrossed in whatever it is that he's doing.
Allecto: Contemplating Nick, one can only hope.
TNL: Oooh! There you are.

Honorable Mention #2

Allecto: Again, with the hair. I love his hair, when it's not greasy or in corn rows.
Allecto: And his cheek bones here, just. mmm. The shadow across his face, and his pale, pale neck.
Allecto: Justin needs to come up behind him and nuzzle his neck, right where it meets his shoulder.
TNL: Wow. He's delicious. And he should always do his hair this way.
Allecto: Always.
TNL: Mmmm. Let's hope he's lurking in the shadows.
TNL: And I have such a weakness for Kevin's neck and upper chest. The blue shirt collar is perfection.
Allecto: It is.
TNL: This is so arty. It's reminiscent of Louise Brooks, stark against a black background.
Allecto: You know that AU where AJ is a photographer? Kevin's modelling for him.
TNL: Oh, yes!

Honorable Mention #1

Allecto: He's waiting for a blowjob here. AJ's gonna come up, and nip at his stomach and give him a blowjob, and he'll lower his hands and grip AJ's hair and... um. yes.
TNL: Mmmm. Maybe Joey could come and nuzzle him for a bit, too.
TNL: He's rather confident -- waiting patiently for someone to pop that last button on his jacket and really get into it.
Allecto: And he knows they'll come. Because this is domineering Kevin. This Kevin just sits, and you go to him.
Allecto: And the hint of boxers over the waistline of his jeans.
TNL: But not an unkind Kevin.
Allecto: No, not an unkind Kevin. Just in charge.
TNL: Mmm. Yes, perhaps he grabbed Nick's by mistake, in the pre-dawn gloom of their hotel room.


Allecto: So, yes. This is pretty much all about his tongue. Which is huge.
TNL: Sloooowly loading.
TNL: Oh, hey! This is just porn.
Allecto: If you can tear your eyes away from it, he has lovely arms. But mostly, you know. tongue.
TNL: The tongue is all well and good, but, yes, the arms. And the sea of hands.
TNL: And the undershirt. Wahey!
Allecto: the hint of chest.
TNL: He is sex on a stick, I've decided.
Allecto: Yes.


Allecto: He's just plain *pretty*.
TNL: He is. And he's so sweet in this one, with his little knitted cap and the hint of teeth in his quizzical smile.
Allecto: You know what happened here? He and his brother were lost at sea, seperated, and he landed on the shores of a foreign land. So he disguised himself as a boy, fake facial hair and all...
TNL: Mmm. Somewhere in his travels he picked up some important jewelry.
Allecto: He really has liquid eyes. And again, with the eyelashes.
TNL: He looks vulnerable in this one. I like it -- Bossy!Kevin sometimes needs to take a break.
TNL: Oh, seriously. And the eyebrows.
Allecto: He needs to be kissed on his temple and called beautiful and cuddled.
TNL: Mmmm. Preferably by AJ.
Allecto: Mmhm.


Allecto: I love the hint of red in hair. I don't know if it's the lighting or if he still has the red highlights, but it's pretty. And lord, I miss his hair like this.
TNL: Guh. His forearm. And the bracelet/watchband.
Allecto: His hands are so big.
TNL: And the flip. He's just so opulent.
Allecto: He looks so nice in purple. He looks nice in everything.
TNL: And he's thinking deep thoughts, probably about the environment. Or Howie.


TNL: Oh, just break me now.
Allecto: Photographer!AJ again.
Allecto: I want to lick the water off his neck for him.
TNL: I have this as a gif icon, and it makes me swoon.
Allecto: I should think so.
TNL: Umm, really. I'd like to watch one of his bandmates doing that as well.
Allecto: The light, and the lines, and.
Allecto: Well, yes.
Allecto: I don't remember now why I ranked this one so low.
TNL: And he's so into it. He's not thinking about multiplication tables in this one.
TNL: Mmm. You should move it up.
Allecto: Mmm...


Allecto: I don't think I can even begin to comment.
TNL: Wow. Just... yes. His mouth is a work of art.
Allecto: His cheekbone, and jawline...
Allecto: the five o'clock shadow on his upper lip is. mmm.
TNL: And I'm transfixed by his stubble.
TNL: Yes.
Allecto: yes.
TNL: Also, I like that he is paired with Love. That's very nice indeed.
Allecto: Isn't it?
Allecto: I'm hoping AJ wrapped him in that one.
TNL: As he should be. -- Oh! I know


Allecto: I love the colors, the way his skin reflects the pink of the car seat.
TNL: Why is it that he is so completely masculine, and, at the same time, one wants to harp on his beauty? He looks fabulous here, gazing off into the distance. Maybe he's looking for his missing love.
TNL: God, yes. And his hand resting delicately on the crown of his hat.
Allecto: Again, the way his hair curls down his neck.
Allecto: Oh, I know! And his wrist looks so delicate.
TNL: Yes. Interesting that he is so often dressed in black. He would look fabulous in contrasting colors.
Allecto: I love the V the shirt makes, and the white underneath. His skin *glows*.
TNL: He needs a hickey, right at the base of his neck.
Allecto: Oh, break me.
TNL: :-D


TNL: You're just mean.
Allecto: Hah!
TNL: Well, acres of Kevin!chest. What's not to like?
Allecto: Look at his waist.
TNL: And a hint of ribs, and those gorgeous nipples. And his belly button. He's simply ravishing.
Allecto: And the boxers make a repeat appearance.
TNL: Of course. Now they belong to AJ.
Allecto: BSB needs to do more songs shirtless.
Allecto: Also, *nsync.
TNL: His skin is like cafe au lait. -- And I second that, heartily.
TNL: Mmm. Maybe Kevin and Ashley and Justin could form a shirtless trio.
Allecto: Ready to break some more?
TNL: Oh, man. I guess.


Allecto: His eyes look so gorgeous in black and white.
TNL: And his upper body, obscured by that cruel towel!
TNL: I like his necklace, too. He is especially handsome straight on, with those marvelously regular features.
Allecto: Yes.
Allecto: and even though his hair is short, it's curling nicely over his forehead.
TNL: Note to self: he has very kissable lips in this picture.
Allecto: Note to Chris: Kevin has very kissable lips in this picture.
TNL: Indeed. We'll need to put the word out.
Allecto: And Chris can pull on the ends of the towel, tugging Kevin down to meet him...
TNL: Bahahaha. As he would.


TNL: Oh, yes. This is the one that convinces me that JC and Kevin could be the SDB couple of the future.
Allecto: His fingers are so delicate on the piano.
Allecto: And he'd stroke them just as delicately up and down JC's chest...
TNL: Not to mention the fact that he is poetically handsome at a piano.
Allecto: Yes.
Allecto: His neck transfixes me again.
TNL: Yes. I like his other hand cupping the back of his head.


TNL: Mmm. I'm in love with this one.
Allecto: His wrist looks so small and fragile.
TNL: Again, he has the ability to be in his head for the camera. It gives him greater gravity, which is unxpectedly hot.
Allecto: I love the old jeans, and the slide of his hands into the pockets.
TNL: And he's wearing JC's pendant. (Why?)
Allecto: I think it's an S, actually.
TNL: Yes. He's so comfortable with himself.
Allecto: Nick needs to come up from behind and wrap arms around his waist and kiss him right behind his ear.
TNL: Hmm.
TNL: Yes. 'Put the camera down, Nicky, and kiss your man.'
Allecto: And then twirl him around so he laughs, or at least smiles.
Allecto: I bet Nick was *so* happy when he realized he was big enough to carry Kevin.
TNL: Yes. He's a little sad here, thinking about strip mining, or something. He needs to be cheered up.
Allecto: Sweep him off his feet, Nickolas!
TNL: Hee! No question about it.


TNL: Wow. This is a whole new side of him, so to speak.
TNL: He seems a little bit vulnerable. Unfinished, maybe.
Allecto: I think I mostly like this one because he's leaning forward, watching AJ come out of the bathroom in drag, and then AJ's gonna sit on his lap, and Kevin will span his waist with his hands, and kiss him...
Allecto: Or maybe it's just me.
TNL: God. Well, yes, there is that. He has such reserves of patience.
Allecto: But, yes. He looks almost raw here.
TNL: Well, AJ has run him such a chase.
Allecto: And he's not sure about the whole drag thing -- is it too kinky? Will AJ laugh at him?
Allecto: He needs a thorough kissing, if you ask me. Especially in the hollow of his throat.
TNL: Oh, no. They've talked about it. He's just a little uncertain about AJ. AJ needs to reassure him about his feelings.
TNL: Truly.
Allecto: or! ::sniffle:: maybe he's sitting up waiting for pre-rehab!AJ to come home, and he's all worried and hurt and a little angry...
Allecto: Okay. Need to move on before I make myself cry.
TNL: Oh, man. Yes, you're right: raw.


TNL: Maaaan. He is just... a thing of beauty. It's extraordinary.
Allecto: He needs to wear suits more. Especially ones that curve in at the waist.
TNL: I'm enjoying his delicate handling of the microphone, because I'm a smutty bastard.
Allecto: You know, if you shaved him? He'd look like girl!Kevin.
Allecto: Oh, smutty is good.
TNL: Oh, yes. The man skirt is really a good idea for him.
TNL: He would. He has Brooke Shields-style eyebrows, after all.
Allecto: And the hair.
Allecto: He needs to grow it out again.
TNL: Mmm. And he still has the JC-issue necklace. Mmm, mmm, mm.
TNL: He certainly does.


Allecto: He's just so at home fingering the ropes. He looks all normal and all-American, and then you look at his fingers.
Allecto: He's testing the give.
TNL: He has pouty lips. Interesting. And a hint of a furrowed brow.
TNL: So there's a bit of petulance on display.
Allecto: Yes.
TNL: Which is #&^%$%&^% hot, of course.
Allecto: Naturally.
Allecto: This is that hint of "he's the baby at home".
TNL: Hee. Yes.


Allecto: Long, long fingers and a delicate wrist.
TNL: Oh, oh. The beautiful head, tilted, against a blue background. And those huge, graceful hands.
TNL: He's thinking deep thoughts again.
Allecto: He has such a kissable face and neck.
TNL: He does.
Allecto: He can just be nuzzled, all over.
Allecto: licked. stroked. petted.
TNL: I think AJ needs to put the camera down again.
Allecto: yes, please.


Allecto: This would be lower, but every time I try to move it down his arms and waist call out to me.
TNL: Hee. Maybe AOL will let me see it.
Allecto: Nick or Justin or Joey needs to just, put a big ole hand right on his waist and yank him close for a kiss.
TNL: Oh, Jeebus. Oh, oh, oh. This is Dominant!Kevin. He wants -- and will have -- someone on his knees before him.
Allecto: mmmm. yes.
TNL: And I second the emotion on Nick and Joey and Justin.
Allecto: maybe JC on his knees.
Allecto: all that long, pullable hair.
TNL: Mmm. It's possible he's already there.
Allecto: what a lovely thought.
TNL: It's probably great for the singer's voice.
Allecto: It's how Kevin hits all those low notes...
TNL: Indeed.


TNL: Again with the beautiful, thoughtful face. And that fabulous hair.
Allecto: you can really see the green in his eyes here.
Allecto: and his bone structure.
TNL: Oh, yes. -- And I think AJ could nibble on the bridge of his nose.
Allecto: And brush his hair from his forehead.
TNL: Mmm. That would be acceptable.
TNL: And his sternum, just out of focus. Yum.
Allecto: and tuck his head in under Kevin's chin.
TNL: I'm getting all weepy, yes.
Allecto: The colors, too. The jacket is just perfect
TNL: He's just poetry.


Allecto: let me tell you what I wrote to Allen about this last night...
TNL: This is a rather teasing image. He's daring the viewer (Nick?) to try something.
Allecto: his jawline.
Allecto: I want to lick it. Or have AJ lick it.
Allen: mm. or Joey.
Allecto: mmm... lick his way up, nibble on the earlobe, pulling gently on the earring with his teeth...
Allecto: run his tongue over the ridge of Kevin's ear, nuzzle the nape of his neck...
Allen: guh...
Allecto: and there's just that hint of stubble, the softest resistance scraping against joey's lips.
Allen: <-- dead.
Allecto: hee!
Allen: and then Kevin smiles and opens his mouth to Joey's tongue.

TNL: ::is also dead::
Allecto: yeah. me too.
TNL: The jawline is a lethal weapon.


Allecto: I made an icon out of this. I love it love it love it.
TNL: Mmm. It's Troubled!Kevin. I want to feed him soup, or watch AJ spoon-feed him.
Allecto: In A Secret Chord? This is my picture of Kevin. and Justin slides up behind him, resting his forehead on the back of Kevin's neck, waiting until Kevin's worried through whatever's bothering him.
TNL: Mmm. I can so see it.
Allecto: He needs to be held.
TNL: He does. He, like Joey, needs someone to love him.
Allecto: yes.


Allecto: his eyes slay me. And he's being all smart before Congress, defending his homeland.
Allecto: and he's wearing a pink suit.
TNL: Mmm. Smart and well-dressed: it's quite the combination. And his eyes are superb.
Allecto: and the freckles on his nose.
TNL: Yes. He's not afraid of the sun.
Allecto: And his eyebrows are *perfect*.
TNL: Yes. They seem to have been tamed, even.
Allecto: He's gonna be one of those men who gets a sprinkling of grey hairs at his temple, and looks all distinguished and knowledgeable.
TNL: Mmm. I can't wait.
Allecto: okay. number 1, and this is not just for Meaner.


TNL: Hahahaha. Yes.
Allecto: His hair is beautiful.
Allecto: It looks auburn.
Allecto: And his skin is simply flawless.
TNL: It combines several themes: the color blue. Drinking things. Blowjob lips. The hair. Drinking things. His beautiful hands. Did I mention drinking things?
TNL: God, yes.
Allecto: His eyes.
Allecto: His neck.
TNL: The quality of his regard: he seems to see through and into things.
Allecto: And you know he's just made some incredibly articulate point, and is now quenching his thirst before continuing in a speech of great importance.
TNL: Possibly. Or he's going to put the drink down and reach for AJ...
Allecto: mmmm...
Allecto: or both. Maybe AJ's waiting in his hotel room.
Allecto: His fingers are so delicate.
TNL: Mmm. Yes, a reward for his public services. And Joey could stop by, later on, because too much is never enough.
Allecto: Maybe Nick and JC, too.
TNL: They are. But they are large, which promises much.
TNL: Oh, I think so.
Allecto: Heck. Throw in Chris and Justin.
TNL: Hee. They like to watch.
Allecto: But Howie and Lance have to stay behind and make Brian happy.
TNL: Yes. I think so.